It's Prince Hop-A-Lot's birthday and he's having a party--on an
"Eating Train." The WillyNilly children are invited, of course, as
was Na Princess and many other children. The train goes around
and around on a small circle track which made the children a little dizzy.
No matter! There is lots of food served by people dressed up like
penguins and kangaroos. One problem: Some people dressed up
like butterflies keep pulling the food away from the children before
they get a chance to eat anything.

That is only because they didn't sing the Happy Birthday song. The
song was written in the snowman language which Prince Hop-A-Lot taught them:


Moppa Mingle toe wee,
Moppa jingle toe we,
Moppa mangle toe Hoppy,
Moppa mingle toe we.


After singing, the children were able to eat and eat and eat and eat.........


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