CINDERELLA (Centrillon)
Charles Perrault version


..A gentleman had a beautiful daughter who was very much like her mother who was very sweet and lovely. When his first wife died, the gentleman remarried. After the wedding, his second wife revealed herself to be a strong-minded wicked woman who favored her own two daughters. She did not like her step-daughter who was very beautiful. She made her into the servant of the house, dressed her in rags, and made her sleep in a small room in the attic. Her own daughters had beautiful clothes and slept in fine rooms. This young girl, after finishing her work, would sit by the fireplace. The ashes would fly on to her shabby clothing. That is how this young girl was named Cinderella.

..Cinderella never complained to her father. She was afraid that he would scold her since he did everything his second wife commanded.

..One day an invitation arrived. The Prince was giving a grand Ball and all the young ladies in the kingdom were invited. Cinderella's step-sisters were excited. Cinderella helped them get dressed for the ball. She fixed their hair beautifully. She watched as they went off to the palace, very sad that she could not go as well. But how could she go? She wore rags.

..CCinderella began to cry. Her Godmother appeared. The Godmother was a magical person who wanted to help Cinderella go to the ball. She told Cinderella to bring her a pumpkin from the garden. The Godmother turned the pumpkin into a coach. She told Cinderella to bring some live mice from the mouse traps. She brought six mice who were turned into gray horses. She then told Cinderella to bring 3 rats who were turned into coachmen. The Godmother created a beautiful dress for Cinderella to wear and gave her tiny glass slippers. Cinderella was told that she could go to the Ball but must leave at midnight for the magic spell would be broken at that time.. When Cinderella was at the Ball, the prince paid a great deal of attention to her because she was the most beautiful girl there. She did remember to leave before midnight.

..Another Ball was held the next night, and Cinderella's Godmother created a more beautiful dress and gave her the glass slippers once more. The Prince paid his attention to Cinderella. She was having such a good time that she forgot about leaving before midnight. When the chimes of the clock started to ring, she ran off. She ran so fast that one of her glass slippers came off. The Prince picked it up--- and ordered his servants to find the girl who could fit into this tiny slipper. No one's foot could fit into the tiny shoe. The two step-sisters tried, but their feet were too big. Cinderella begged to try, and her foot fit perfectly. Everyone was surprised, and even more so when Cinderella took the other glass slipper from her pocket.

..And so, within a few days, the Prince and Cinderella were married. Being a kind person, Cinderella allowed her step-sisters to live in lodgings connected to the palace, and found husbands for them.

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