And then came the summer and soon it was Fall.
By then all the wheat stalks had grown golden tall.

Well harvesting wheat was a job to be done.
The hen thought she'd work in the bright morning sun.

She made up her mind that again she would ask,
If someone would help her in doing this task.

"Who'll help me," the hen asked the dog,
cat and mouse.
"In cutting the wheat in the back of our house?"


"Not I," said the weary dog, " I have to sleep."
"Nor I," said the cat, "I've got playdates to keep."

And as for the mouse he was no use at all,
'a hummin' a silly song ,out in the hall.


Click the picture

The Little Red Hen went alone out the door,
And all by herself she completed this chore.

She bundled the wheat ,but another job still.
She knew she must carry the wheat to the mill.
