“But where in the old pumpkin patch? It wasn’t that small, according to the picture here.” Carrie was scratching his head and thinking that there should be something more.
“Now we’re back to looking for another rhyme that has to do with cranberries or plums or any other fruits or vegetables," suggested David. “Or.... something else. If we find a rhyme that has to do with something that could have been in the garden before l850, like a plum or cranberry tree or bush, maybe a grape vine or....then perhaps we will get a clue where to walk the remaining 25 paces.”
Then we can dig,” said Beth.
Anna and Jeff had just entered the room where the children were talking.
Just then Mrs. Lomber remembered something.
“I think I recall a rhyme about a little boy who put his thumb in a pie and pulled out a plum. Now, what one was that one..hmmm?”