“But where in the cave?” wondered Beth out loud.  “We could dig forever. And which woman didn’t know  what to do? What has that to do with any of this?”

Mrs. Lomber pointed out that the last sentence might be a Mother Goose clue to finding the treasure.  But what could it  mean?

“Let’s take one thing at a time,” said David.

“We should go into the cave, and then figure out what to do.”

It was a a good thing that Carrie remembered to take the Mother Goose book. “You know that Captain Patch said that the answers lie in Mother Goose. We have been successful  with the nursery rhymes so far."

Jeff and Anna, and even the Lombers  still had their doubts  about this whole thing, and  had been thinking  that it could be a big hoax.



Mrs. Lomber noted, “ We shouldn’t get our hopes up too high. Maybe it was all made up by some joker years ago. Perhaps if we dig we will find nothing but an old shoe or something.”

”Or nothing at all, “ warned Anna. “Still—it is worth a try!”

The group followed the map and came to the cave.

“Yes, this is the one,” Mr.  Lomber noted. “It has to be.”