“You know, “  Aaron said very intelligently, “if the shoe were placed here by some pirate almost 200 years ago as a marker, it probably would  have fallen apart by now. There might not even be  crumbled pieces of it left.”

“Let’s look anyway,” nagged David.

“ The group could find no trace of a shoe.”

Just then Carrie saw something on the wall. It was a drawing, very faded, but yes, it was a drawing.  Mr. Lomber brought the lantern closer.

“It looks like a drawing of a boot.”

“Yes, it does,” Anna said, “ and after all, a boot is a  shoe.  It is the type of shoe worn in past centuries. We even wear them today, though we call them boots.”



“This must be it, “ David shouted, hardly able to contain his  excitement. “Let’s dig here.”

Jeff tried to prepare his son David for disappointment. But David was too excited. So were Carrie and the others.

 Mr. Lomber started digging.  He dug down two feet, not far  from the cave wall and found nothing.  He started digging in  another spot, then another.

 Finally, at the 4th spot, much closer to the cave wall,  his shovel hit something that had a clanking sound.