“Wait, that seems too long a name. So how about“The Sunset Home for the Aged. Sunsets are beautiful. The elderly people are beautiful too. "

"And elderly people are at the sunset of their lives," Beth added.

 Everyone agreed that this would be great.

“David, those are such kind thoughts,” remarked Jeff. “We are so proud of you--all of you."

"Your comparison is correct, Beth,"
Mrs. Lomber said, patting the girl on the shoulder.

Two days later, the Foster family, Aaron and Beth said good-bye to the Lombers, and The Treasured Inn. “Well, kids, I hope you enjoyed your vacation, even if it was a bit BORING!”  Jeff patted Carrie on the  head , and everyone laughed.




“Seriously, though,” Jeff continued. “ In life, you must make your own enjoyment. You can’t depend upon other people or other things to do it for you.  Other people or mechanical things can help. But it all comes back to you and your own brain.”

“Yep,” said Carrie. “We are given the ability to think for a purpose.”
“Oh, by the way, mom, I was wondering about something.”

“Yes, what is it?”

When I went in the kitchen to speak with you about  our trip and asked for some hints about where we were going you said,  ‘it will be a peaceful place ,  OR NOT.’  Did you know about the legend and knew we would have an adventure here?”








“No, actually, I did not, “  said Anna Foster. Perhaps  it was some wishful thinking on my part.”

    “ A wish that came true, “ laughed Carrie.

“There’s still one thing I can’t quite figure out,” Tom said to the others.

“I wonder why a fierce, scary, dangerous pirate like Captain Patch would choose Mother Goose rhymes for clues.  He just doesn’t seem like the type to me.”

  “You know what, “ Anna, said to the group. “Some things in life just can not be figured out.”