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HOME: Country Home, Forenby Park , a very large family home on a large Devonshire estate.

Town House, Bellgrave Square, London


Lord William Wemberlain, Earl of Northwell- born June, 1829

Lady Frances Wemberlain, Countess of Northwell, born Aug. 1830
( nee, Lady Frances Dershmore)


Sir Robert Wemberlain, oldest child born, September, 1852
Lady Elizabeth Wemberlain, born May, 1854
Lady Margaret Wemberlain, born November, 1857
Lady Georgine Wemberlain, born April 1860
Lady Anne Wemberlain, born March 1863

Extended Family living with the Wemberlain family

Lady Margaret Dershmore, mother of Lady Frances,
widowed, born January, 1806, living permanently at Forenby Park

Lady Georgina Wemberlain, mother of Sir Robert, widowed, born
March,1804, living permanently at Forenby Park

Lady Agatha Dershmore, sister of Lady Frances, never married, born May, 1833, living at Forenby Park and Bellgrave Square,London with the his sister's family.

Miss Emeline Trintor, cousin of Lady Margaret Dershmore, never married, born April, 1810, living permanently at Forenby Park.

Sir John Helmford , cousin of Sir William Wemberlain born, 1818, and his wife, Lady Evelena Helmford, born 1821, living permanently at Forenby Park--lost their home because of extensive debts.


SERVANTS ( not all permanent)

At Forenby Park:

Nanny- Miss Emily Higgins, born 1814--permanent
Nursery Maid- Maud Loft, born 1836- between 1852- 1864
Nanny Assistant- Rosie Johns- born 1843- between 1864-1876

Chamber maids

Parlor Maids

cook- Mrs. Mabel Bellows, born 1822
Pastry chef- Alphonse Defont- born in France, 1830
Kitchen Maids:

Violet Wilks- born 1858,