11 click the picture
The next day, the Kifarus got into their car and drove up to the Embisa Cave. Buana and Bibi Tembo and their children Laddy and Lassie Tembo were already there.
The next day, the Kifarus got into their car and drove up to the Embisa Cave.
Buana and Bibi Tembo and their children Laddy and Lassie Tembo were already there.
12 click the picture
Nearby were Buana and Bibi Kima, Mr. and Mrs. Monkey and their two children, Laddy and Lassie Kima. They were having a picnic too. CLICK
Nearby were Buana and Bibi Kima, Mr. and Mrs. Monkey and their two children, Laddy and Lassie Kima.
They were having a picnic too.