After the Chanukah/Pasach picnic, King Lester started driving again. Soon it looked like it was getting darker.
"OH NO!" wailed Princess Mireleh. Now we will miss the lighting of the candles for the first night of Chanukah.
"Don't make wrinkles again," King Lester said, proud that he had thought of everything. " I brought our Chanukeah and candles with us. We can set uup the Chanukeah ont he hood of the car and light the candles under the stars.
"But Tateh," Mireleh said in a low voice. "I hate to tell you this, and maybe you haven't noticed, but it is snowing. There are clouds and we can't see the stars."
"AH, and so it is snowing. Well, we will light the candles under the snow. Remember, snow is frozen water and water is necessary for life. The snow is a gift form Hashem. It's nice to light the candles under Hashem's great gift...right!"