"Yes, I do. In fact, I take care of the gardens around the house; well, my husband does help me with the heavy work. But I do most of the gardening.”

“Then perhaps you can tell us about Silver Bells,Cockle Shells and Little Maids.  Are they flowers?”

“I think they are, but I’ve never planted them. In fact, I know little about them. Silver Bells might be flowers on a tree.”

“So,” Beth  said, “ these flowers, if they are flowers, are not in your garden?”

“No, not at all.”

“Is it possible, Mrs. Lomber,” Beth continued, that these flowers  were in the garden at one time?   Perhaps at the time of Captain Patch?”




I couldn’t say,” Mrs. Lomber replied. “However, I seem to recall that the big book about this area, you know, the one in which the poem is written....”

     “Yes, the one Mr. Lomber read to us,” Aaron reminded them of the big book.

      “The very one.  I think my husband told me that there is a section about the history of gardens around this house and a few other homes in the area. I always meant to look at it but—well, with  all I have to do, I never got to it.”

“Do you think that there would be something about Silver Bells and those other ones in the book?” David's mind was moving fast.