The SillyDilly Picnic
A WillySilly Story, #2


One hot summer day, Princess Kay, Princess Fay,
and Prince Jay received a letter  from Princess Lee of
SillyDilly Land.

Dear WillyNilly Prince and Princesses,

        It is a wonderful cold snowy summer day here in SillyDilly Land-- Just right for a picnic. Please come to our palace at  3  minutes after 11 o’clock this  morning.

 From Princess Peek-A-Boo

P.S.  My younger brother, Prince Hop-A-Lot wants to meet you.


Prince Jay and his sisters  remembered that it is cold in the summer in SillyDillyLand.  

“That’s so strange,” said Princess Fay.

“Well,” said Princess Kay, “people and animals
do strange things in Silly Dilly Land. I guess the
weather does strange things too.”

“But it’s not strange to them,” Prince Jay reminded
his two sisters.

The WillyNilly children put on their coats ,hats ,mittens and snow boots.
They walked out of the palace . They felt very hot on that  hot summer day in WillyNilly Land!


The WillyNilly children arrived at the SillyDilly palace right on time. Just as they arrived at the Palace Gate, Princess Peek-Boo jumped out from behind a bush shouting her name.

“Oh what a lovely  box you are wearing today,”said Princess Fay.

“Thank you,”Princess Peek-Boo said politely.
”You look nice too.”
”Would you like to meet my brother , Prince Hop-A-Lot?”

“Yes, yes, we would like to meet him.”


As the children walked to Prince Hop-A-Lot’s room, Princess Kay asked a question.


“Princess Peek-Boo, is your brother called Prince Hop-A-Lot
because he likes to hop ?”

“Yes. In fact he loves to hop."

"Does he hop all the time?"

"Certainly not," Princess Peek-A-Boo was laughting a bit.
"If he hopped all the time, he would be called Prince- Hop-All-the -Time.
But he only hops a lot of the time. Sometimes he stops, like when he is sleeping or when he is in an elevator."

“Why does he stop hopping in an elevator,Princess Peek-A-Boo, ” asked Prince Jay who was very curious about this situation.

"Well, it's the elevator that makes him go up and down, so he doesn't have to."

"Why does he like to hop up and down?" Princess Fay asked.

"I don't know, and my brother doesn't know either," Princess Peek-A-Boo said before she disappeared behind a door.

"Peek-A-Boo" she shouted as they continued to Prince Hop-A-Lots room.

They knocked on the door and went into his room. There he was,
hopping up and down , up and down, up and down.

“Hello,Prince Hop-A-Lot,” the WillyNillys said to the prince.
“Goodbye,” Prince Hop-A-Lot replied.

“But we just got here!” said Prince Jay.

Prince Hop-A-Lot explained that goodbye is what you
say when your friends go home. “If I say goodbye and
you stay, then I am happy.”

“Well in that case, ‘good bye, Prince Hop –A- Lot,” the
visitors  said.

And Princess Kay added, “It is so nice to meet you.



“I think it is time to go to the picnic,” said Princess Peek-Boo.

“Wait,” shouted Prince Hop-A-Lot.”I have to get Mr. Pin Cushion.” And Prince Hop-A-Lot hopped into the next room.

Princess Peek-Boo explained that Mr. Pin Cushion is Prince Hop-A-Lot’s pet porcupine.  “He doesn’t like to go places without his pet.”

When Prince Hop-A-Lot hopped back he had his little
porcupine with him. “Would you like to pet Mr. Pin Cushion?” he asked.

“No thank you,” said Prince Jay politely.
“Maybe next time,” Princess Fay whispered.
“Yes, perhaps next time,” added Princess Kay.

Then Princess Peek-Boo and Prince Hop-A-Lot put on their green pigs, and their boots and left with their friends.




It was snowing as the children arrived at the picnic park.

There were five snowmen waiting there . They were
invited to the picnic too.

The snowmen had carrots for ears, CD's for eyes, a peach for  their noses, and a candle for their mouths. They each had books on the tops of their heads.

The snowmen looked very strange to the WillyNilly children who asked some questions about them.

“What are the books about?”

“Oh,” said Prince Hop-A-Lot. “They are" how to" books,like How to Grow Socks in the Garden  and  How to Dance with a Turkey's Feather.”

“I see,” said Prince Jay. "Most interesting, I’m sure. But I'd rather dance with a turkey than a turkey's feather."

Princess Kay asked  Princess Peek-Boo about the candles.

“It gets very dark at night. The snowmen can always light their mouths in order to see where they are going.”

“Hmmm, Princess Fay wondered. “But won’t the fire
from the candle melt the snowmen? And anyway, where are the snowmen going?

“Actually, that is not a problem, because they can always blow out the fire on the candles with their candles, which are their mouths. To answer your second question, the snowmen are usually going nowhere."

Prince Hop-A-Lot added that the snowmen love music.
“Whenever they want to hear their favorite songs, all
they need to do is play their eyes. And peaches smell so good. The snowmen just love
smelling their noses.”

“Well, we might as well get the picnic started,” said Prince Hop-A-Lot. "Yes," said Princes Kay and Princess Fay. "Yes, yes, " said Prince Jay.
"Where is Princess Peek-A-Boo?" asked Princess Fay, noticing that Prince Hop-A-Lot's sister wasn't there.

"Peek-A-Boo," the SillyDilly princess shouted as she jumped out from behind one of the snowmen and added, "Yes, yes, yes, a picnic is great fun. The snowmen are probably very hungry after their long trip going nowhere.”




“Oh no,” shouted Prince-Hop-A-Lot as he hopped up and down.. I knew that we forgot to bring something.”

“That’s all right,” said Princess Kay.”We can always go back to the palace and have something to eat there!”

But Prince Hop-A-Lot was worried about the snowmen because they couldn’t go back to the palace because that would be going somewhere. And the snowmen can't go somewhere. They only go nowhere.

“Wait a minute,” Prince Jay suddenly had an idea.
“If the snowmen are hungry they can always eat their ears.”

“Yes, that’s true,” said Princess Peek-Boo, and then she added, “If they are still hungry they can also eat their nice-smelling noses.”

Prince Hop-A-Lot felt much better and hopped off to tell the snowmen what to do. He spoke to them in snowman language which only he and
Princess Peek-Boo could speak and understand.

He said,

"Ika, Ika pun-da tears.
Lula pinka bam ba ears!

 Which means--

"Snowmen, snowmen, no more tears,
If you're hungry, eat your ears! "

The snowmen winked their CD's and smiled with their candles. They knew just what to do.


 Then the  children went back to the palace and ate a wonderful meal cooked by the palace gardener.They had a plateful of jellybean stew with mashed prunes. For dessert they had string bean salad mixed with marshmallows.

After the palace picnic, Princess  Fay said, “I think it is time for us to go back to WillyNillyLand .” "Thank you so much for the wonderful time," added Prince Jay.

“ Good bye and thank you, " said Princess Peek-A-Boo . We had a wonderful time too.”

“ Hello,” said Prince Hop-A-Lot. "We hope to see you again soon.”

“And good bye to you too, Mr. Pin Cushion," Princess Kay said as she put her hands behind her back.

When the three WillyNilly children arrived home, the first thing they did was take off their coats, hats , mittens and boots. They ran out side for an evening swim in the palace pool.

They were singing a lovely song.

Click for the song