This is the story of PrIncess Mireleh and how she learned a very important lesson.

Princess Mireleh lives in the Kingdom of Khappin Fliggen; and oh! is she a shaineh maideleh. Everyone says --"kinehora-- a sight to behold."

But Princess Mireleh was unhappy. She didn't like to invite other princesses to visit her . You might wonder why such a shainkeit would play alone.

Ach! well might you ask! So I'll tell you.

Princess Mireleh was embarassed.

It seems that her tateh. King Lester, though he is a kind , and good ruler of the mighty kingdom of Khappin Fliggen, is a shlemeil. He bumps into walls because he never looks where he is going. He steps into garbage pails because he never looks where he is stepping.He often does things backwards and sometimes does things in a mixed up way and upside down..

Mireleh's mother, Queen Beta would always say, "Oy Vey,tateh just dropped his eye glasses in his soup. "Oy Vey, tateh just dropped his crown out of the window. Oy Vey,Oy Vey,Oy Vey."

Not only that, but the king is sometimes a shlemazel as well.




Once the servant tripped on the chair leg and spilled the lokshen over guess who? THAT'S RIGHT! OVER KING LESTER, THE SHLEMAZEL.

Once the servant dropped gefilte fish , over guess who? THAT'S RIGHT! OVER KING LESTER, THE SHLEMAZEL.

And all of this made Princess Mireleh very uncomfortable. Whenever King Lester and Queen Beta expected company Princess Mireleh would say, "Oy Gevolt," whatever will happen today?"

"Mama, why does tateh have to be such a klotz all the time?"
